Customized Aging
Customize the Way You Age
About US
Customized Aging
Our Mission: To help older adults and their loved ones think through what they need (in their current home or their next one) so they can Age in Place safely and comfortably in a way that reflects who they are - not how old they are.
Let's hear it for the Longevity Revolution! The population is aging and we're living decades longer than our grandparents did. By 2034 there will be more adults over the age of 65 than under the age of 18 for the first time in U.S. history. The best chance we have for control over how we spend our “longevity dividend” is to educate and prepare our current & future selves for what’s ahead.

Eve Hill
About eve
Eve Hill
Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS)
REALTOR®: DRE#02204422
eXp Realty of California, Inc: DRE#01878277
"Modify or Move Specialist"
Aging-In-Place, Rightsizing, 55+ Communities
At Customized Aging, we offer home assessments, longevity lifestyle products, and Aging in Place education. We also co-host online classes, educating and empowering long term homeowners & their families, real estate agents and other professionals serving the longevity market.
My written work has appeared on network television, in print, across multiple online platforms, in digital marketing content for the Los Angeles United School District and the nonprofit sector.
Working for the non-profit Survivor Mitzvah Project required a healthy dose of natural compassion, plus customer service, digital media, and organizational acumen to conduct outreach, plan events, and produce original content for newsletters, email marketing, social media and assorted fundraising campaigns.
I earned a degree in Film History from the University of Southern California, then logged many seasons working in Television production, seated at the table in comedy writers’ rooms.
I was born and raised in San Francisco, and continue to appreciate the local history, food, and cultural life of both Northern and Southern California.
Eve Hill
Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS)
Cell: 818-429-4522
email: customizedaging@gmail.com
REALTOR®: DRE#02204422
eXp Realty of California, Inc: DRE#01878277
Writers Guild of America, West
Website: eveahillme.medium.com